
Special sessions

Session 1: Population genetics, Environmental DNA
Coord. Gaël Denys, guest speaker: Louis Bernatchez

Session 2: The French Overseas
Coord. Fabrice Teletchea and Philippe Béarez, guest speaker: Jean-Dominique Durand
Tribute do Théodore Monod: Jean-Claude Hureau

Session 3: Alien species in marine and freshwater environments
Coord. Nicolas Poulet, guest speakers: Samuel Iglésias and Jean-Nicolas Beisel

Session 4: Paleoichthyology*
Coord. Olga Otero, guest speaker: Bettina Reichenbacher

* followed by a meeting of the paleoichthyologists


Regular sessions

Session 5: Systematic, Evolution
Guest speakers: Hans Ho (subject to change), Didier Casane

Session 6: Ecology, Behaviour, Conservation
Guest speaker: Walter Salzburger

Session 7: Fisheries, Aquaculture
Guest speakers: Daniel Pauly (subject to change), Marc Vandeputte & Pascal Lorance

Session 8: Contamination, Ecotoxicology, Fish health
Guest speaker: Patrick Kestemont

Session 9: Physiology, Reproduction, Life traits
Guest speaker: Yann Guiguen

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