
Conference fees

This fee includes access to the rooms, the book of abstracts, the program, coffee breaks and the cocktail.

Seniors (SFI members) : 270.00€
Seniors (SFI non-members) : 320.00€
Students (A copy of the student card must be attached), Unemployed PhD : 135.00€


At FIAP Jean Monnet. Reservations can only be made through SFI.
Price per night and per person. Breakfast and one meal at the self-service restaurant are included in the price.

single: 93.00 €
2 beds: 65.00 €
3 or 4 beds: 54.00 €
Dates of the nights to be booked: 13-14 March, 14-15 March, 15-16 March, 16-17 March, 17-18 March


Cocagne self-service
Conference formula: 17.90 € (starter, main course, dessert, drinks excluding wine, coffee)

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